How to have a thriving relationship with money

Money is an emotional thing.

Just like any relationship, your relationship with money can have a big impact on the way you feel day to day. But — for one reason or another — we often find it hard to talk about money. Even with the people we trust the most.

So, if your feelings about money are stopping you from having the conversations you need, don’t worry. Loqbox is here to help you build a thriving relationship with money.

Explore our tips below to discover how you can unlock your financial future.

Learn more about your relationship with money

Understanding emotional spending

Whether we call it retail therapy or comfort buying, most of us allow our emotions to influence our spending from time to time. So Loqbox is here to help you understand more about emotional spending and how to recognise when your spending is driven by your emotions.

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These are the most common reasons that people don’t discuss money

We’ve listed some of the most common reasons why people don’t want to talk about their finances. But we’re also looking at why it is actually important to chat about money, and how to start the money conversation.

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mortgage 2023

How to talk to your partner about money

We care about our partners and want them to feel able to talk to us about anything. But because money can feel like a bit of a taboo subject, many of us find it hard to talk to our partners about money. Even when they — or we — need support. But Loqbox is here to help you build your confidence so that you can have the conversations you need.

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How has Loqbox helped our members feel better about their money?

Handy saving tool with credit score boosting

Its really easy to use, I’ve got the saving one and you’re able to choose how much to save each month. It’s handy as it boosts your credit score and at the end of it you get your money back that you’ve saved. Like that you can set up a direct debit so everything is automatic. I put £20 a month in but I believe you can put up to £200 a month. Very good at building a better mindset about saving

Helpful first steps into saving after debt

Came to Loqbox after clearing all of my debts slowly with Stepchange. Really helpful way of shifting mindset away from saving being hard and showed that even tiny steps build up

With Loqbox I feel like I have hope and sense of purpose

After a spell of hard few years financially my credit rating and confidence took a beating but with Loqbox I feel like I have hope and sense of purpose because I'm saving as well as building my credit.

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