Boost your credit score

✔ Grow your score 
✔ Improve your chances of being approved
✔ Save £1,000s on interest rates for credit cards, loans and mortgages

Go on, give your credit score an easy boost and start living the richer life that you deserve

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Improvements to your credit score are not guaranteed.
Missing payments to Loqbox or other credit accounts may harm your score.

Quickest ways to boost your credit score:

Amend any errors

Your information should match across the three credit reference agencies. So check your reports and let Experian, Equifax or TransUnion know if something isn’t correct.

Register to vote

It doesn’t matter if you actually vote or not. Being registered on the electoral roll helps the CRAs to find your current address. You can also opt out of the ‘open register’ if you don’t want snail mail marketing hitting your letterbox.

Remove any previous financial connections

Credit scores can be co-scored with another person, like an ex or old housemate you had a joint account with. But if that person is a little… unreliable when it comes to their finances, they could negatively affect your credit score! If you go your separate ways, ask the CRAs for a notice of disassociation to de-link you.

Get started with Loqbox Grow

On average, our members see their credit score boost by 125 points in the first six months. Loqbox Grow is quick and easy to set up, and you’ll be on your way to an improved credit score in no time. Here's how it works.

Keep your debts low, but the amount of credit you could borrow high

Lenders like to see a low credit utilisation (i.e. spending only a little of your available limit on your credit card). Using less than 25% of your limit will have the best impact for your credit score. Loqbox Grow can help with this too — when you set this up you’ll get a new interest-free credit account. Just make your regular membership payments and Loqbox will take care of boosting your credit score.

Things that take a little longer (but still help to boost your credit score):

We know you want to increase your credit score in the fastest possible way, but here are some simple things you can do to raise it over a longer period of time.

Always pay on time

Missed payments, defaults and CCJs (county court judgments) can leave an ugly mark on your credit file for six years. If this has happened, but you had a good reason, you can raise a notice of correction to give an explanation to a bank or lender in the future.

Pay more than your credit card’s minimum payment

Paying off your credit card in full is the ultimate goal to avoid paying interest, although we know it’s not always possible when life gets in the way. If you can, aiming to make extra payments on top of your minimum payment is good for building your credit history and getting out of debt at the same time.

Is your name on the bills?

If you don’t have much credit history, try to put yourself as the named bill payer on some of your shared household bills. By paying on time every month, you’ll build a good history of credit which improves your score.

If you’re not able to be the bill payer, having Loqbox Grow can help you get a credit score boost and build your credit history instead, just by making your regular weekly £2.50 membership payments.

Spread out your credit applications

‘Soft checks’ don’t leave a mark on your credit file, but you may see a ‘hard check’ negatively affect your credit score. So ideally aim for no more than one hard credit check every six months.

It’s good to know that it’s quite normal to see your score rise and fall. And each time you ask for a new line of credit (i.e. get a new credit card or take out a loan) you’ll likely see a dip in your score until the lender starts to see you regularly paying them back.

Want to keep these top tips in a handy PDF?


How can you boost your credit score instantly?

If you’ve already started to furiously Google “how to improve my credit score fast”, the steps above are some quick and straightforward steps to get your credit score boosting upwards.

You wouldn’t be alone in looking for the fastest solution to fix our scores and raise our chances of being approved. And while there’s no way to boost your credit score overnight (you’ll still need to exercise patience over the next few months), the tips above will get you on the right road to boosting your credit score as fast as possible.

credit dial

Reasons to boost your credit score quickly

Once you have money on your mind, it’s hard to stop focusing on it. And planning ahead for the big things in life matters to us all.

So whether you’re looking to make a house-shaped purchase, want the keys to a shiny new car, or are saving your pennies to start a family — having a good history of credit counts!

If you have little or no credit history, and can see yourself needing a mortgage, credit card or loan in the future, make a start at boosting your credit score now

Your borrowing

A 70 point increase could save you...*

A 300 point increase could save you...**

personal loan



credit card balance






* Based on the difference in interest rates achievable with Poor and Fair credit ratings.
** Based on the difference in interest rates achievable with Poor and Good credit ratings

How long does it usually take to improve your credit score?

You might find yourself asking ‘How can I increase my credit score in the fastest possible way?’ and not getting very far with your internet search. If you’re looking for the fastest way to improve credit scores, it’ll be no secret to you that improving your credit history takes time (they don’t call it a history for nothing).

But although there isn’t an overnight fix, there are quick and simple ways to give your credit score a boost — and using Loqbox Grow is one of them.

Improvements to your credit score are not guaranteed. 

Making positive changes to your score will still require your patience. This is because you can expect the UK’s three main credit reference agencies — Experian, Equifax and TransUnion — to take around 40 days to show changes to your reports (sometimes longer, if say, your phone bill provider is slow to update them).

You can get a free peek at your credit scores without harming them by using these companies: 

But while you wait diligently (and well done you for being so zen about it), you can feel good knowing you’ll have done all you can to have boosted your credit score. Good things come to those who wait.

How is your credit score calculated? What is a credit rating and credit score?

Great question! In the UK, your three respective credit scores and ratings are calculated based on the information in your credit report. And your credit reports are made up of the data that Experian, Equifax and TransUnion hold for you.

Included in these scoring systems is the information in your credit history. This is a record of how much you use credit (and how responsibly you manage it), and being a history, it’s built up over a long period of time. 

A credit rating is the system that a lender would use to help them decide whether to agree to lend to someone or not, based on how reliable they’ve been in the past and their own requirements. Generated as letters or numbers, each lender will have their own unique way of measuring your rating, so if you’re wondering why you’re not aware of yours, it’s just because the public can’t usually view their own credit ratings.

But that’s not very useful to you, is it? You’d like to have an idea of how likely you are to be approved for credit before you apply, right? Introducing — credit scores. Credit scores are a way for you to get an idea of how a lender may view your application. And it’s based on things like your credit history (including any missed payments, defaults or CCJs, etc.), any people you have joint accounts with, your address history and even whether you are registered to vote.

Tips to keep your credit score healthy

Once you’ve done all the hard work to get your credit score into a place you’re happy with, you’ll want to know how to maintain it. It’s easy once you know how:

  • Building your credit history is the name of the game
  • Keep your oldest credit account open
  • Routinely check for fraudulent activity happening in your name
credit checklist

Credit score FAQs

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What to do if you’ve been a victim of credit fraud
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Does paying off debt collections boost my credit score?
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Will paying off my loan help or hurt my credit score?
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Does applying for a new credit card hurt your credit score?
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Why join Loqbox?
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How does Loqbox Save work?
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How much could I save with a better credit score?
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Our memberships
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What is full Loqbox membership?
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What is Loqbox  Lite?
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What is a yearly plan?
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What are the benefits for taking out a yearly plan?
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How much does the yearly plan cost?
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How do I cancel my yearly plan?
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What is a bolt-on? 
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What are the benefits of a bolt-on? 
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How do I choose which bolt-on I want? 
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How much does a bolt-on cost?
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Can I switch between each bolt-on? 
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When would I expect to see the new bolt-on credit limit reflected on my credit report? 
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What is a credit utilisation rate and how can it help my credit score?
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What happens if I miss a membership payment?
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What happens if I miss a Loqbox Grow payment?
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Why has a payment been taken from my Loqbox Save account?
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Can I reverse a payment that’s been taken from my Loqbox Save account?
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How does Loqbox Save build my credit score?
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Is Loqbox Save a loan?
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When will my credit score go up?
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How much will my credit score improve by?
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What happens if I miss a monthly payment?
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Where is my money locked away and what happens if I need it?
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How much does it cost?
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Which banks does Loqbox partner with?
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What happens after 12 months of Loqbox Save?
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What is Loqbox Income?
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What are the benefits of using  Loqbox Income?
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How do I activate Loqbox Income?
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What if I need to change or cancel my Loqbox Income policy?
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Are Loqbox providing the insurance policy?
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Boost your credit score with Loqbox Grow

Loqbox is a responsible and reliable way to help boost your credit score

Our mission is to help you live a richer life — whatever that looks like for you. Join us now to get on your way to a brighter future.

Get Loqbox Grow

Find out more about Loqbox Grow >

Loqbox Grow is an interest-free credit account that grows your credit score just by using it

Credit scores can be confusing, so if you’re looking to make a positive difference to your score — leave it to Loqbox. Boosting credit scores is what we’re all about!

The quick and easy way to boost your credit score is with Loqbox Grow’s three-part plan:


Regular reporting

Get started with Loqbox Grow today and make your simple £2.50 a week membership payments count! Watch your credit score boost as we report the regular payments to Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.


Low credit utilisation

Loqbox Grow also gives you alarger amount of credit (without any hard checks or hassle). This means lenders will see you have more access to credit, but you aren’t using much of it — and pssst, they like that!


Combine it with our other powerful tools

Use it alongside our other credit-building tools and you could see a boost of up to 300 points in the first three months of using Loqbox Grow, Loqbox Save and Loqbox Rent together (all included with the Full Loqbox membership).

Improvements in your credit score are not guaranteed.

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Boost my credit score

Improvements to your credit score are not guaranteed