If you’re looking to sign up for Loqbox but are wondering what the process is like check out this short blog where I walk you through the simple and speedy process!
How to sign up to Loqbox in 7 simple steps:
Step 1
To sign up head to our website: www.loqbox.com/en-gb/
Click on the ‘Sign up’ link in the top right-hand corner of the website and you will be directed to the signup page:
Step 2
Begin by entering your first and last name as well as email address.
Decide what amount you would like to save every month and move the purple button to the corresponding amount.
Then create a password which has to be at least 8 characters long.
If someone has referred Loqbox to you, enter their referral code, otherwise, leave this section blank.
Click ‘Submit’ once you have completed all required fields.
You have now completed the second step of the signup process!
If you don’t want to finish the signup process straight away, click on ‘Finished’. In the future when you want to finish signing up for Loqbox, return to the Loqbox website and log in.
Step 3
To complete the signup process, click on the ‘Login’ link and log in using the details you set up in the first part of this process:
Once you have logged in, you will be directed to a page called ‘Complete your registration’ where you can complete the signup process.
Step 4
Your name and email address are automatically pre-populated. All you have to do is enter your phone number and date of birth:
Enter your postcode and click ‘Find Address’ to save you filling out your address:
The amount you want to save each month is pre-populated, however, you can still change it here if you want. Once you have completed these fields click on ‘Agree Terms’ and you will be directed to our terms and conditions.
Step 5
Read through all of the sections and if you are happy to continue, click on ‘I understand and agree to the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy…’ to agree.
Then click on ‘Next – Set up your Direct Debit’ to finish the sign up process:
To set up the direct debit, enter your name, email, the sort code of your bank account, account number and post code. If more than one person is required to authorize Direct Debits you must tick the appropriate section. Once you have completed this information click on ‘Set up Direct Debit’:
Make sure the information you have entered is correct. If so, click ‘Confirm’, if not click ‘Change’ and you will be directed back to the Direct Debit page where you can edit your information:
Click ‘Finished’ and you will be redirected to your Loqbox homepage:
From your Loqbox homepage, you can access the education section, your personal details, check the status of your savings payments as well as any credits earned from referring friends!